- Pirate Bay's founders are in jail in Sweden for abetting illegal file sharing on their website.
- Joost, the much lauded P2PTV service, is no longer P2P but is instead a CDN-type streaming service.
- Another P2P darling, Skype, seems to be adrift with Ebay wanting to get rid of it through a sale or a spinoff.
- There is a sustained reduction in CDN costs that is making the P2P cost reduction less attractive.
- Websites like You-tube won the video streaming battle against P2P video streaming long ago, now websites like Rapidshare are leaving P2P file sharing behind as well.
- Mobile P2P (near-network P2P on mobile devices over Bluetooth etc.) just didn't happen. These devices are more client-serverish than wired devices because upload bandwidth needed for P2P is too pricey.
In my opinion, the answer is No. Here are some reasons
- P2P lacks a business model but has proven to be a remarkably resilient and cost-effective technology. The problem is getting legal content on to P2P networks. Content companies are not going to let users take control of content delivery.
- But if one is to look at where the biggest growth in broadband usage is going to be, one looks toward China and India. The legal protection for content is significantly weaker in these countries. Moreover, there is a large amount of reasonably priced content (e.g. regional and Bollywood content in India) that will perfectly ride P2P networks.
- P2P has proven itself for voip (Skype has 400m users). Skype is the established voip leader and it will remain that way for a long time.
- CDNs do not scale with video quality. That is why Youtube won't do HD - they'll go broke paying for CDN (server) bandwidth. P2P on the other hand can scale up to the extent the access networks allow.